Exploratory Data Analysis: Bridges in Nepal


Bridges are vital infrastructures in the development process. Moreover, in a mountainous country like Nepal with many thousands of rivers and streams, bridges play a vital role in connecting roads, villages and cities and hence moving the economy.

This is my first data analysis project whereby I explore the bridges of Nepal.

Importing libraries

import pandas as pd
import re
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline

pd.options.display.max_columns = None

df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', index_col='S.No.')

Data Preview

Bridge Number Bridge Name Road Name District River/Stream Chainage(Km) Length(m) Width(m) Span No Foundation Type Loading Capacity Maintenance Division Region Completion Year Cordinate Bridge Type Bridge Condition Total Score Load Restriction Construction Status Span Length(m) Data Updated Year
1 04-H001-004 Ninda Khola Mahendra Rajmarga Jhapa Ninda 5.46 318.60 RW-7.9 | CW-7 12.0 RCC Foundation IRC class A/AA Damak Eastern 4 26.6602 | 88.1072 RCC T-Beam 5 3.6 0.0 Completed 26.55 2017
2 04-H001-003 Pali Mahendra Rajmarga Jhapa Pali Khola 3.44 49.60 RW-7.8 | CW-7 3.0 Well Foundation IRC class A/AA Damak Eastern 3 26.6505 | 88.1368 RCC T-Beam 7 3.1 0.0 Completed 16.5 2017
3 04-H001-028 Jhiljile Mahendra Rajmarga Jhapa Jhiljhile 36.64 5.75 RW-10.6 | CW-9.8 1.0 Natural Rock IRC class A/AA Damak Eastern 28 26.6433 | 87.8071 RCC Slab 7 3.1 0.0 Completed 5.75 2017
4 04-H001-001 Mechi Mahendra Rajmarga Jhapa Mechi 0.00 583.00 RW-7.86 | CW-7 20.0 RCC Foundation IRC class A/AA Damak Eastern 1 26.6440 | 88.1638 RCC T-Beam 6 2.7 0.0 Completed 29.15 2017
5 04-H001-031 Chyangri Mahendra Rajmarga Jhapa Chyangri 42.25 6.70 RW-10.6 | CW-9.7 1.0 Natural Rock NaN Damak Eastern 31 26.6494 | 87.7619 RCC Slab 7 3.6 0.0 Completed 6.7 2017

Renaming and Droping Columns

Index(['Bridge Number', 'Bridge Name', 'Road Name', 'District', 'River/Stream',
       'Chainage(Km)', 'Length(m)', 'Width(m)', 'Span No', 'Foundation Type',
       'Loading Capacity', 'Maintenance Division', 'Region', 'Completion Year',
       'Cordinate', 'Bridge Type', 'Bridge Condition', 'Total Score',
       'Load Restriction', 'Construction Status', 'Span Length(m)',
       'Data Updated Year'],
def format_column(col):
    col = col.lower()
    col = col.replace(")","")
    col = re.sub(r'[/(\s+]', '_', col)
    return col
df.columns = [format_column(col) for col in df]
Index(['bridge_number', 'bridge_name', 'road_name', 'district', 'river_stream',
       'chainage_km', 'length_m', 'width_m', 'span_no', 'foundation_type',
       'loading_capacity', 'maintenance_division', 'region', 'completion_year',
       'cordinate', 'bridge_type', 'bridge_condition', 'total_score',
       'load_restriction', 'construction_status', 'span_length_m',
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 1932 entries, 1 to 1932
Data columns (total 22 columns):
 #   Column                Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                --------------  -----  
 0   bridge_number         1932 non-null   object 
 1   bridge_name           1932 non-null   object 
 2   road_name             1932 non-null   object 
 3   district              1932 non-null   object 
 4   river_stream          1932 non-null   object 
 5   chainage_km           1932 non-null   float64
 6   length_m              1932 non-null   float64
 7   width_m               1932 non-null   object 
 8   span_no               1875 non-null   float64
 9   foundation_type       1721 non-null   object 
 10  loading_capacity      496 non-null    object 
 11  maintenance_division  1909 non-null   object 
 12  region                1932 non-null   object 
 13  completion_year       1932 non-null   int64  
 14  cordinate             1932 non-null   object 
 15  bridge_type           1875 non-null   object 
 16  bridge_condition      1932 non-null   int64  
 17  total_score           1932 non-null   float64
 18  load_restriction      1585 non-null   float64
 19  construction_status   1932 non-null   object 
 20  span_length_m         1875 non-null   object 
 21  data_updated_year     1932 non-null   int64  
dtypes: float64(5), int64(3), object(14)
memory usage: 347.2+ KB
df.drop(['bridge_number','chainage_km','width_m','span_no','foundation_type','loading_capacity','maintenance_division','completion_year','cordinate','total_score','load_restriction','span_length_m','data_updated_year'], axis=1, inplace=True)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 1932 entries, 1 to 1932
Data columns (total 9 columns):
 #   Column               Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------               --------------  -----  
 0   bridge_name          1932 non-null   object 
 1   road_name            1932 non-null   object 
 2   district             1932 non-null   object 
 3   river_stream         1932 non-null   object 
 4   length_m             1932 non-null   float64
 5   region               1932 non-null   object 
 6   bridge_type          1875 non-null   object 
 7   bridge_condition     1932 non-null   int64  
 8   construction_status  1932 non-null   object 
dtypes: float64(1), int64(1), object(7)
memory usage: 150.9+ KB

Data Exploration

A. Frequency Statistics

1. Count of bridges by region

sns.countplot(x='region', data=df)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f736c28f048>


2. Count of bridges by type

plt.figure(figsize=(16, 6))
sns.countplot(y='bridge_type', data=df)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f7369b50240>


3. Count of RCC T-Beam bridges by region

plt.figure(figsize=(16, 6))
sns.countplot(x='region', data=df[df.bridge_type == 'RCC T-Beam'])
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f7369ac9080>


4. Count of bridges by district

plt.figure(figsize=(16, 6))
fig = sns.countplot(x='district', data=df)
plt.xticks(rotation = 65, horizontalalignment='right')


Saptari        99
Kailali        99
Dang           89
Sindhuli       70
Bardiya        66
Tehrathum       4
Dadeldhura      4
Taplejung       3
Jumla           2
Okhaldhunga     1
Name: district, Length: 70, dtype: int64

Saptari and Kailali districts have the highest number of bridges i.e. 99 whereas Okhaldhunga district only has 1.

5. Count of different types of bridges in Saptari district

plt.figure(figsize=(16, 6))
sns.countplot(x='bridge_type', data=df[df.district == 'Saptari'])
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f7369a4e550>


6. Count of bridges in my hometown, Lalitpur

df[df.district == 'Lalitpur'].district.value_counts()
Lalitpur    8
Name: district, dtype: int64

7. Count of bridges by construction status

Completed             1724
Under Construction     208
Name: construction_status, dtype: int64

8. Count of completed bridges by condition

Condition Scale (0-10)

  • 0 - Critical Condition- Facility is Closed and Is Beyond Repair
  • 1 - Critical condition - facility is closed. Study should the feasibility for repair
  • 2 - Critical condition - need for repair or rehabilitation urgent. Facility should be closed until the indicated repair is completed
  • 3 - Poor condition— repair or rehabilitation required immediately
  • 4 - Marginal condition—potential exists for major rehabilitation
  • 5 - Generally fair condition—potential exists for minor rehabilitation
  • 6 - Fair condition—potential exists for major maintenance
  • 7 - Generally good condition—potential exists for minor maintenance
  • 8 - Good condition—no repairs needed
  • 9 - New Condition
  • 10 - Not Applicable
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 6))
sns.countplot(x='bridge_condition', data=df[df.construction_status == 'Completed'], log=True)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f73696e0710>


B. Descriptive Statistics

1. Data Info

length_m bridge_condition
count 1932.000000 1932.000000
mean 45.580683 7.237060
std 76.682149 1.300804
min 0.000000 0.000000
25% 12.000000 7.000000
50% 24.000000 7.000000
75% 50.000000 8.000000
max 1149.000000 10.000000
# Replacing rows with value 0 with NaN
df = df.replace(0.0, np.NaN)
length_m bridge_condition
count 1925.000000 1932.000000
mean 45.746431 7.237060
std 76.772124 1.300804
min 5.550000 0.000000
25% 12.000000 7.000000
50% 24.000000 7.000000
75% 50.000000 8.000000
max 1149.000000 10.000000

The average length of bridges in ~46 meters.

The average condition of the bridges is a 7 i.e. they are in good condition.

The length of the bridges range from 5.5 m to 1149 m.

2. Longest and Shortest Bridge

df[df.length_m == 1149]
bridge_name road_name district river_stream length_m region bridge_type bridge_condition construction_status
97 Koshi Barrage Mahendra Rajmarga Saptari Koshi Barrage 1149.0 Eastern RCC T-Beam 10 Completed

The Koshi Barrage bridge in Saptari district is the longest one with a length of 1149 meters.

df[df.length_m == 5.55]
bridge_name road_name district river_stream length_m region bridge_type bridge_condition construction_status
1817 Ankuse khola Janakpur Circumambulatory Mahottari Ankuse khola 5.55 Central RCC Slab 7 Completed

The Ankuse Khola bridge in Mahottari district is the shortest one with a length of 5.5 meters.

3. Total bridges with length above 100 m

df[df.length_m > 100].shape[0]

4. Top 10 Longest and Shortest

a. Top 10 Longest

df.sort_values(by=['length_m'], ascending=False).head(10)
bridge_name road_name district river_stream length_m region bridge_type bridge_condition construction_status
97 Koshi Barrage Mahendra Rajmarga Saptari Koshi Barrage 1149.0 Eastern RCC T-Beam 10 Completed
75 Mahuli Mahendra Rajmarga Saptari Mahuli - 1 1100.0 Eastern RCC Slab 8 Completed
1013 Karnali (Geruwa) Bridge Postal Highway Bardiya Geruwa Khola 1015.0 Mid-Western RCC T-Beam 9 Completed
866 Thulo mai Postal Highway Jhapa Thulo mai khola 800.0 Eastern NaN 10 Under Construction
11 Kankai Mahendra Rajmarga Jhapa Kankai 702.0 Eastern RCC T-Beam 7 Completed
123 Kamala Mahendra Rajmarga Siraha Kamala 640.0 Eastern RCC T-Beam 8 Completed
926 Bagmati Postal Highway Rautahat Bagmati river 633.0 Central RCC T-Beam 10 Under Construction
20 Ratuwa Mahendra Rajmarga Jhapa Ratuwa 585.0 Eastern RCC T-Beam 6 Completed
4 Mechi Mahendra Rajmarga Jhapa Mechi 583.0 Eastern RCC T-Beam 6 Completed
868 Mechi Postal Highway Jhapa Mechi Khola 560.0 Eastern RCC T-Beam 10 Under Construction

b. Top 10 Longest Completed

df_sorted_length = df[df.construction_status == 'Completed'].sort_values(by=['length_m'], ascending=False)
bridge_name road_name district river_stream length_m region bridge_type bridge_condition construction_status
97 Koshi Barrage Mahendra Rajmarga Saptari Koshi Barrage 1149.00 Eastern RCC T-Beam 10 Completed
75 Mahuli Mahendra Rajmarga Saptari Mahuli - 1 1100.00 Eastern RCC Slab 8 Completed
1013 Karnali (Geruwa) Bridge Postal Highway Bardiya Geruwa Khola 1015.00 Mid-Western RCC T-Beam 9 Completed
11 Kankai Mahendra Rajmarga Jhapa Kankai 702.00 Eastern RCC T-Beam 7 Completed
123 Kamala Mahendra Rajmarga Siraha Kamala 640.00 Eastern RCC T-Beam 8 Completed
20 Ratuwa Mahendra Rajmarga Jhapa Ratuwa 585.00 Eastern RCC T-Beam 6 Completed
4 Mechi Mahendra Rajmarga Jhapa Mechi 583.00 Eastern RCC T-Beam 6 Completed
1019 Karnali(satighat pul) Postal Highway Kailali Karnali(satighat pul) 531.00 Far- Western RCC T-Beam 8 Completed
394 Karnali Mahendra Rajmarga Bardiya Karnali 500.00 Mid-Western Cable Stayed 7 Completed
73 Balan Mahendra Rajmarga Saptari Balan 479.03 Eastern RCC T-Beam 7 Completed
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 6))
fig = sns.barplot(x="bridge_name", y="length_m", data=df_sorted_length.head(10))
plt.xticks(rotation = 65, horizontalalignment='right')


c. Top 10 Shortest

bridge_name road_name district river_stream length_m region bridge_type bridge_condition construction_status
1817 Ankuse khola Janakpur Circumambulatory Mahottari Ankuse khola 5.55 Central RCC Slab 7 Completed
1809 Odigad Khola Nagma - Gamgadhi Jumla Odigad Khola 5.65 Mid-Western RCC Slab 7 Completed
3 Jhiljile Mahendra Rajmarga Jhapa Jhiljhile 5.75 Eastern RCC Slab 7 Completed
738 Aringale (Muru) Khola Rapti Highway Rukum Aringale (Muru) Khola 5.90 Mid-Western RCC Slab 7 Completed
928 Maraha Postal Highway Rautahat Maraha khola 6.00 Central Arch Brick Masonry 7 Completed
1382 gharamadi khola Pokhara - Baglung - Beni - Jomsom Myagdi Gharamdi Khola 6.00 Western RCC Slab 7 Completed
1371 Phedi Khola Pokhara - Baglung - Beni - Jomsom Kaski Phedi khola 6.00 Western RCC Slab 7 Completed
1387 Bhadra (Bhyaple) khola Pokhara - Baglung - Beni - Jomsom Parbat Bhadra (Bhyaple) khola 6.00 Western RCC Slab 6 Completed
884 Larikatta Postal Highway Morang Larikatta 6.05 Eastern RCC Slab 6 Completed
1237 Pathariya kulo Junga - Rajapur Kailali Pathariya kulo 6.10 Far- Western RCC Slab 7 Completed
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 6))
fig = sns.barplot(x="bridge_name", y="length_m", data=df_sorted_length.tail(10).sort_values(by=['length_m']))
plt.xticks(rotation = 65, horizontalalignment='right')


5. Districts with the most longest bridges in top 100

plt.figure(figsize=(16, 6))
fig = sns.countplot(x='district', data=df_sorted_length.head(100))
plt.xticks(rotation = 65, horizontalalignment='right')


6. Districts with the most bridges above 100m

plt.figure(figsize=(16, 6))
fig = sns.countplot(x='district', data=df[df.length_m > 100])
plt.xticks(rotation = 65, horizontalalignment='right')


7. Road with the most bridges above 100m

plt.figure(figsize=(16, 6))
fig = sns.countplot(x='road_name', data=df[df.length_m > 100])
plt.xticks(rotation = 65, horizontalalignment='right')


8. Bridge type with the most bridges above 100m

plt.figure(figsize=(16, 6))
fig = sns.countplot(x='bridge_type', data=df[df.length_m > 100])
plt.xticks(rotation = 65, horizontalalignment='right')


9. Total length of all the bridges (in m)


10. Total length of all the bridges by district (in m)

plt.figure(figsize=(16, 6))
fig = sns.barplot(x='district',y='length_m', data=df.groupby(df.district, as_index=False).sum())
plt.xticks(rotation = 65, horizontalalignment='right')


11. Top 10 districts with most bridge length

df.groupby(df.district, as_index=False).length_m.sum().sort_values(by=['length_m'], ascending=False).head(10)
district length_m
58 Saptari 7150.47
25 Jhapa 6072.39
27 Kailali 4996.96
60 Sindhuli 3975.85
14 Dang 3409.60
69 Udayapur 2987.08
8 Bardiya 2967.20
39 Morang 2607.46
18 Dhanusha 2583.90
42 Nawalparasi 2376.31

12. Longest bridge of each district

pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
district bridge_name length_m
1123 Achham Karnali 200.00
213 Arghakhanchi Rana Sing 103.20
1089 Baglung Kaligandaki pul 114.00
831 Baitadi Surnaya Gad River 41.00
1459 Bajhang Bhahuligad 77.00
1787 Bajura Gui Gad River 61.00
1778 Banke Rapti Khola 342.00
195 Bara Bakeya 355.59
1013 Bardiya Karnali (Geruwa) Bridge 1015.00
1648 Bhaktapur Hanumante Khola 45.00
1061 Bhojpur Arun Khola 120.00
208 Chitawan Narayani pul 420.00
1803 Dadeldhura Puntura Gad khola 153.35
810 Dailekh Lohare Khola 118.20
1756 Dang Rapti Khola 404.00
829 Darchula Chameliya River 121.80
1327 Dhading Trisuli River 118.00
675 Dhankuta Tamor 200.00
136 Dhanusha Aurahi 329.00
1305 Dolakha Malu 78.00
837 Doti Seti River 164.20
1905 Gorkha Trisuli River 152.25
1731 Gulmi Body-guard 164.00
658 Ilam Mai Khola 53.70
1439 Jajarkot Chedagad Khola 130.00
866 Jhapa Thulo mai 800.00
788 Jumla Umgad Khola 7.80
1019 Kailali Karnali(satighat pul) 531.00
793 Kalikot Ghatte Khola 40.00
471 Kanchanpur Banara River 240.80
308 Kapilbastu Banganga 290.00
563 Kaski Seti khola pul 180.00
1657 Kathmandu Bagmati 156.05
514 Kavrepalanchowk Indrawati 164.00
1062 Khotang Pankhu Khola 15.00
1269 Lalitpur Karmanasa 42.00
1821 Lamjung Midim Khola 87.00
643 Mahottari Ratu 270.00
167 Makawanpur Rapti 210.00
36 Morang Lohendra 385.20
1379 Mustang Syang Khola 115.00
1733 Myagdi Kaligandaki Khola 76.40
240 Nawalparasi Binai Khola 246.00
1636 Nuwakot Tadi River 75.00
1067 Okhaldhunga Dudh Koshi 120.00
733 Palpa Kaligandaki 93.00
656 Panchthar Hengwa 45.70
1389 Parbat Modi khola (Dimuwa) 61.80
942 Parsa Shikharivas 255.00
1208 Pyuthan jhimruk 144.00
1619 Ramechhap Sunkoshi 100.00
1258 Rasuwa Runga 100.00
926 Rautahat Bagmati 633.00
1861 Rolpa thawang Khola Bridge 168.00
1112 Rukum Muglu Khola 48.50
274 Rupandehi Tinau Khola 226.50
1761 Salyan Sharada nadi 104.00
1483 Sankhuwasabha Sawa Khola 121.00
97 Saptari Koshi Barrage 1149.00
158 Sarlahee Lakhandei 204.55
615 Sindhuli Khalte/Nigule khola 191.00
1278 Sindhupalchowk Indrawati 105.83
123 Siraha Kamala 640.00
55 Sunsari Budhi 128.40
764 Surkhet Babai Khola 222.20
711 Syangja Aarmadi Khola 93.25
588 Tanahu Madi khola 370.00
653 Taplejung Kaveli 98.20
1054 Tehrathum Tamor 200.00
1921 Udayapur Koshi Bridge 261.30


  • Source: List of Main Bridges of SRN, harvested from Government of Nepal, Department of Roads, Road Network
  • Link: Data
  • Year: 2017
  • Retrieved: April 09, 2020

You can find the executable Jupyter Notebook here.